Server shutdown in progress
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS p.*, name_ru AS _name_sort FROM SC_products p LEFT JOIN SC_product_options_values PrdOptVal0 ON p.productID=PrdOptVal0.`productID` LEFT JOIN SC_product_options_set PrdOptSet0 ON p.productID=PrdOptSet0.`productID` LEFT JOIN SC_product_options_values PrdOptVal1 ON p.productID=PrdOptVal1.`productID` LEFT JOIN SC_product_options_set PrdOptSet1 ON p.productID=PrdOptSet1.`productID` WHERE ( ((categoryID IN (978)) AND ( enabled=1)) AND (PrdOptVal0.optionID=17 AND ( ( ( PrdOptVal0.option_type=1 AND PrdOptSet0.variantID=866) OR (PrdOptVal0.option_type=0 AND PrdOptVal0.option_value_ru LIKE '%400mAh%') ) OR ( ( PrdOptVal0.option_type=1 AND PrdOptSet0.variantID=98) OR (PrdOptVal0.option_type=0 AND PrdOptVal0.option_value_ru LIKE '%2000mAh%') ))) AND (PrdOptVal1.optionID=25 AND ( ( ( PrdOptVal1.option_type=1 AND PrdOptSet1.variantID=1028) OR (PrdOptVal1.option_type=0 AND PrdOptVal1.option_value_ru LIKE '%36V%') ) OR ( ( PrdOptVal1.option_type=1 AND PrdOptSet1.variantID=1033) OR (PrdOptVal1.option_type=0 AND PrdOptVal1.option_value_ru LIKE '%4V%') ) OR ( ( PrdOptVal1.option_type=1 AND PrdOptSet1.variantID=1038) OR (PrdOptVal1.option_type=0 AND PrdOptVal1.option_value_ru LIKE '%7.2V%') ) OR ( ( PrdOptVal1.option_type=1 AND PrdOptSet1.variantID=566) OR (PrdOptVal1.option_type=0 AND PrdOptVal1.option_value_ru LIKE '%16V%') ) OR ( ( PrdOptVal1.option_type=1 AND PrdOptSet1.variantID=578) OR (PrdOptVal1.option_type=0 AND PrdOptVal1.option_value_ru LIKE '%24V%') ) OR ( ( PrdOptVal1.option_type=1 AND PrdOptSet1.variantID=997) OR (PrdOptVal1.option_type=0 AND PrdOptVal1.option_value_ru LIKE '%1.2V%') ))) AND `p`.`virtual_ownerID`=0) GROUP BY p.productID ORDER BY sort_order, _name_sort LIMIT 0,32